The Intersectional Evaluation Group (IEG)
In 2006, at the landmark La Mancha meeting, MSF agreed to seek active transparency and accountability to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of its interventions. The result has been an increased investment in developing evaluation capacity in the MSF movement. The Intersectional Evaluation Group (IEG) consists of three units based in Vienna, Stockholm, Paris who together meet the evaluation needs within MSF.
- The Vienna Unit (VEU) additionally offers social sciences support with anthropological studies and qualitative research.
- The Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU)
- Réseau Interdisciplinaire Dédié à l’Evaluation et au Retour d’expérience (RIDER) in Paris also conducts studies, lessons-learned exercises, or other reflections.
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MSF Rider
Rider - Réseau Interdisciplinaire Dédié à l’Evaluation et au Retour d’expérience
RIDER is an interdisciplinary network bringing together MSF-OCP, Epicentre and the Crash. Its mission is to support MSF’s executive and associative branches in the production of rigorous and useful knowledge for action, using social sciences and epidemiology. Click here to find out more about us: RIDER - About us | MSF Intersectional Evaluation Group
Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU)
The Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU) is the primary mechanism to support OCB in conducting evaluations of projects. It is based at MSF-Sweden headquarters and largely financed by both MSF-Sweden and MSF OCB.
The SEU consists of seven full time employees: three Evaluation Managers, two Evaluation Officers, the Process and Communications Officer (PCO) and the Head of Unit. The Evaluation Managers all have MSF field experience, and each have an area of expertise (medical referent, methodology and organizational). The PCO ensures that processes and systems function smoothly, and manages outreach and communication. The Head of the SEU is ultimately responsible for quality control and often the first point of contact to initiate an evaluation. While the SEU primarily supports external evaluations, we also support colleagues in other exercises that can contribute to driving quality, accountability and thinking on decision-making within the movement, such as internal reviews.
The SEU is accompanied by a Steering Committee (SC), which includes representatives from OCB-Ops (DirOps), Medical Department (DepMedDir), GD office (DepGD), OCB Board, MSF Sweden’s Board, and MSF-Sweden (GD). The SC is chaired by one of its members and meets quarterly. The SEU regularly reports to the OCB and MSF-Sweden Boards on activities and plans.
The Vienna Evaluation Unit (VEU) with Anthropology creates timely and quality evidence to support informed decision-making in the MSF movement by offering services such as monitoring & evaluation, anthropology and social-science based research as well as capacity building.