CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Evaluation of the Emergency Response Unit of the MSF’s Operational Centre Geneva (Aug 2021 - Dec 2023)

The Emergency Response Unit (hereinafter: ERU) of the MSF’s Operational Centre Geneva (OCG) was created in 2021 with the goal to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of OCG’s capacity to respond to acute emergencies and to emerging challenges. Considering that MSF is primarily an emergency organization, the Unit’s creation derived from OCG’s efforts to foster an emergency response culture at all levels, to strengthen its capacity to respond to acute emergencies with the right people, at the right time, and with the right resources, and to support strategic reflection for the long-term improvement of OCG’s emergency response capacity. 

The evaluation purpose is to determine the extent to which the current setup has fostered the emergency response culture at all levels within OCG, strengthened OCG’s capacities and capabilities to respond to emergency timely, efficiently, and effectively, and created the space for longer-term strategic planning for OCG’s emergency response.


Application until: 12.11.2023 - 23:59