MSF OCBA Ebola Response in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Equateur, 2018

Capitalization exercise
Document Author(s)
The objective of this exercise is to reflect on the recent OCBA Ebola intervention in Province Equateur, DRC, in order
to understand the actual in-house capacities in this field.

This reflection exercise aims further to serve as the trigger for a broader exercise where, once the main findings and
conclusions are shared and acknowledged by key OCBA stakeholders with regard to VHF response, OCBA ambitions
on the domain of Ebola response will be discussed again.

Finally, the outcome of that broader exercise could be, considering the result of this capitalization as the baseline
situation, the design and implementation of an action plan that should contribute to fulfil those ambitions.

This capitalization exercise intended to explore strengths and weaknesses of OCBA’s response; what seems to have
worked well and what didn’t regarding the resources deployed; how adequate were the strategies defined and their
implementation for the different pillars and aspects of the response. The exercise has thus focused on the following

1. Coordination at different levels: within OCBA, among MSF sections and with external actors
2. Decision-making process and effectiveness
3. Resources deployment and management adequacy
4. General performance and performance regarding the different pillars/aspects of the response
5. Technical areas performance
6. Preparedness
Publication date