SEU Annual Report 2022
For the past three years, we have produced an annual report on the basis of the year that passed. So this 2022 annual report is the third, and this time it is slightly different. 2020 and 2021 was an overview of the evaluations in terms of geography, requestor and operational priorities, as well as an analysis of findings/recommendations vis-à-vis the strategic orientations. This year, we have added input from members of evaluation consultation groups (project staff and referents), commissioners and evaluators on the process they have been part of. Two sections have a “one year later” perspective, telling us more about what can be the effect(s) of an evaluation, what thinking it triggers. In addition to this, our annual report also presents an abstract from the analysis of 2022 evaluations regarding the Operational Prospects’ strategic orientations, and an abstract from what we identify as reoccurring themes in the 2022 evaluations.
Links to the complete papers are included in the annual report but can also be downloaded separately below.