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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Kisangani Emergency…

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The main goal of this evaluation was to document and analyse the results achieved by the KERE project during the first phase of project implementation (2018-2020) in terms of control of morbidity and mortality, reactivity of response, and efficiency.
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Evaluation des deux interventions d’urgence :…

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Le présent rapport décrit les résultats de l’évaluation des deux interventions d’urgence : flambée de paludisme et épidémie de rougeole, menées p
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Evaluation of two emergency…

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This report sets out the results of the evaluation of two emergency interventions: outbreak of malaria and measles epidemic, carried out by OCG in Orientale
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Evaluation of MSF-OCP’s response strategies during…

Measles epidemics occur in Katanga (KTA)/DRC, challenging early response strategies for outbreak control. In 2015, despite MOH delay in declaring the epidemi
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Real-time evaluation of the measles vaccination…

On February 8, 2017, eight months after WHO declared the end of Ebola virus transmission in the country, Guinean authorities declared an outbreak of measles.
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Evaluation of Measles Response Strategies MSF OCG,…

Despite a 5 day SIAs by MOH in 2014, a new outbreak began in Katanga/DRC and spread throughout 2015. A comprehensive, integrated “3 headed” respo
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Epidémie de Rougeole au Katanga, DC (2010-2011),…

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Les équipes MSF ont vacciné 1.5 M d'enfants pendant une période de 10 mois, and ont traité 51 000 cas (80% du total) dans la Province du Katanga (RDC). M
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Evaluation of two emergency interventions: outbreak…

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This report sets out the results of the evaluation of two emergency interventions: outbreak of malaria and measles epidemic, carried out by OCG in Orientale
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Emergency snapshot: Measles Outbreak - MSF…

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E-snapshots are short summaries of lessons learned from emergency evaluations.
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OCA Emergency Response Units Evaluation (without…

This is a comprehensive evaluation of OCA's in country emergency response units in Nigeria, Chad, North Kivu, South Kivu and Katanga. The report consists
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