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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Kisangani Emergency…

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The main goal of this evaluation was to document and analyse the results achieved by the KERE project during the first phase of project implementation (2018-2020) in terms of control of morbidity and mortality, reactivity of response, and efficiency.
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This evaluation was commissioned with the objective to enhance future operational performance by means of lessons learned from the intervention in Hajjah Gov
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Overall response to cholera epidemics in Angola in…

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This evaluation was conducted by Epicentre. In 2006 cholera was once again detected in Luanda, Angola’s capital. The ep
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Review of the MSF response to the 2008-9 cholera…

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This evaluation was conducted by Epicentre. In August 2008 an outbreak of cholera occurred outside Harare, the capital o
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General lessons learned, recommendations and…

This report summarises the key lessons learned from MSF's cholera interventions in Zambia 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 (OCBA), Guinea Bissau 2005-2008 (OCBA),
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Journée Revue-Réflexion Transversale Cholera Haïti …

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Journée de Revue/Réflexion choléra Haïti (3 volets majeurs) : demandé / desk urgences, ce travail (terrain + départements) a permis de cibler des questions r
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Cross-Disciplinary Review & Discussion Day Cholera…

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Revue reflexion Day covering all major aspects related to cholera control and case management issues; covers 3 parts with BOX Recommendations along the text
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Emergency snapshot: Cholera Outbreak in Zimbabwe…

E-snapshots are short summaries of lessons learned from emergency evaluations.
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Emergency snapshot: Cholera Outbreak - OCG E-Cell…

E-snapshots are short summaries of lessons learned from emergency evaluations.
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OCG response to cholera in Haiti, October 2010 -…

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A successful intervention is described in the evaluation report; yet questions raised on the MSF role in Cholera response and how it could go beyond a mainly
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