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Evaluation of COVID-19 Digital Health Promotion

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The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of an international sample (n=10) of MSF’s Covid-19 DHP campaigns.
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Evaluation of Adolescents’ Sexual And Reproductive…

Charmaine Chitate (MSF 2017)
In 2015, MSF initiated an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) project in Mbare, Zimbabwe. A pilot to test innovative models of providing HIV and
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Evaluation of MSF's Cervical Cancer Intervention in…

Melanie Wenger (MSF 2016)
The cervical cancer project in Gutu district in Zimbabwe ran from August 2015 until the end of 2020 focusing on cervical cancer prevention, diagnosis and tre
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Men - Taking Risk or Taking Responsibility

How to approach a male dominated rural setting in Zimbabwe for an effective HIV/AIDS prevention and care programme. The Ndebele in the Tsholotsho district
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New approaches in a new HIV era: ART/TB scale-up in…

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Since 2012 MSF-OCA has been implementing a new approach to HIV/TB programming in two projects in Zimbabwe: Gokwe North district and City of Harare polyclinic
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Evaluation of DGD-funded projects Guinea, Kenya,…

Optimizing HIV, TB and NCD treatment in five sub-saharan countries.
MSF OCB has been providing HIV care and supporting MoH HIV programs across Sout
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Full version and short version available. This evaluation of the viral load (VL) monitoring system was commissioned in order to more fully understand the exp
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Evaluation Report - HIV/AIDS Programme 2004-2012,…

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Best practices, challenges and lessons learned from the HIV/AIDS programme in Tsholotsho, with main purpose to improve project implementation amd decision ma
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Review of the MSF response to the 2008-9 cholera…

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This evaluation was conducted by Epicentre. In August 2008 an outbreak of cholera occurred outside Harare, the capital o
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General lessons learned, recommendations and…

This report summarises the key lessons learned from MSF's cholera interventions in Zambia 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 (OCBA), Guinea Bissau 2005-2008 (OCBA),
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