Evaluation of the Handover Process of the Kiambu Project, Kenya

Consolidated learning and insights

Over five years, MSF provided Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) in Kiambu County, Kenya, in close collaboration with County and Community based organizations (CBOs). With the project coming to its end, the MSF team wanted to assess how successful the handover process was. The evaluation began in Spring 2024, before the handover to the County was effective, and was followed by a second phase in Autumn 2024, offering insights on the situation post-handover. 

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the handover process. It builds on earlier findings that captured the experiences and perspectives of key stakeholders during MSF’s final months and introduces new findings based on observations made five months after the handover.

Document Author(s)
Silva Ferretti
Publication date