Evaluation: Nutritional emergency intervention in Oromiya and SNNPR zones Ethiopia May - November 2008


Ethiopia is known to be food insecure and has for many years been a major recipient of food aid from WFP, the majority emergency food aid. Despite a thorough set up of an early warning system, monitoring food security and malnutrition and despite two systems aiming both at emergency and long term food aid/development a nutritional crisis developed “unnoticed” in 2008. When OCB started an intervention in late May 2008 the situation was already quite severe. The objective of this evaluation was to draw "lessons learnt " from the intervention in terms of intervention strategy, activities, resources used and general communication, coordination and perception.

Please note: this report is not available online. Please email Evaluations.Sweden@lakareutangranser.se to request access.

Document Author(s)
Anneli Eriksson
Publication date