Evaluation of MSF-CH’s Programme for Street Children Tegucigalpa, Honduras

MSF-CH’s project for street children in Tegucigalpa started in 2005 and has been gradually adapted and revised to focus on the actual target population: children and youth sleeping permanently or temporarily in the streets who are more at risk to suffer from violence. Between the end of September and mid-October a visit was done to evaluate the programme of MSF-Switzerland for street children in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The main objectives of the visit were: 1. Assess the relevance of the programme, taking into account operational policies/strategies of MSF-CH and the effectiveness of our medical action and advocacy; 2. Provide recommendations for future activities, knowing that the programme is planned to be handed over between 2008 and 2009.

Document Author(s)
Carmen Rodríguez and Theo Kreuzen
Publication date