Harnessing the hive mind - Review of the Global Health Actors Network (GHAN)

The Global Health Actors Network (GHAN) is made up of people working directly, or with
an interest, in global health issues and actors within MSF. The network provides analysis
and guidance on advocacy strategies, as a facilitator rather than a gatekeeper. It aims to
improve information sharing and support for staff that interact with these actors and
initiatives, and to improve MSFs understanding of the global health landscape and health
policy trends.

In 2017 the GHAN had a ‘reboot’ with a new Terms of Reference (ToR) endorsed by MedOp. This review was commissioned to ascertain how the GHAN is performing against that ToR and also generally. Following a process of document analysis and key informant interviews, four main themes with a total of 13 subthemes were identified. These were distilled into five

Document Author(s)
Evaluator: Alex Poor
Managed by the Vienna Evaluation Unit
Publication date