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13 years - looking back to plan ahead. MSF-OCG,…

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MSF-OCG has been present in Magaria, Niger since 2005. MSF is confronted with yearly peaks of severe acute malnutrition and malaria, which mainly affect children under five-years-old. Despite MSF’s presence mortality rates during these months often rise above MSF standards, while periodically, mortality rates in the community rise above emergency thresholds. Using both qualitative and quantitative data, we found the project to be relevant for MSF, but some changes could be made to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness. This includes establishing a long-term strategy, the simplification of protocols, exploring innovative ways to treat malnutrition
and malaria, and perhaps using this as an opportunity to revitalise the general interest in malnutrition
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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Kisangani Emergency…

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The main goal of this evaluation was to document and analyse the results achieved by the KERE project during the first phase of project implementation (2018-2020) in terms of control of morbidity and mortality, reactivity of response, and efficiency.
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Evaluation of MSF-OCB’S Malaria Project in Bili, DRC

Vincenzo Livieri
This evaluation aims at assessing the Bili project in DRC, since its start in July 2017 until its closure in November 2019. The evaluation focuses on reviewi
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Evaluation des deux interventions d’urgence :…

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Le présent rapport décrit les résultats de l’évaluation des deux interventions d’urgence : flambée de paludisme et épidémie de rougeole, menées p
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Evaluation of two emergency…

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This report sets out the results of the evaluation of two emergency interventions: outbreak of malaria and measles epidemic, carried out by OCG in Orientale
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13 Years - Looking back to plan ahead: Lessons…

MSF has been working in Magaria, Niger, since 2005. Every year, peaks of malaria and malnutrition have a devastating effect on the local population, particul
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"Dabola 2004-2008": Evaluation finale du projet…

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En juin 2009, une évaluation finale des 3 années de projet de MSF-CH (2005 à 2008) à Dabola en Guinée a été menée afin (i) d’en documenter les stratégi
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Evaluation of two emergency interventions: outbreak…

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This report sets out the results of the evaluation of two emergency interventions: outbreak of malaria and measles epidemic, carried out by OCG in Orientale
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Emergency snapshot: Malaria Outbreak - OCG…

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E-snapshots are short summaries of lessons learned from emergency evaluations.
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La gratuité des soins dans le projet MSF de Kangaba…

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French report. Malaria is an endemic and sometimes epidemic problem in Mali, particularly among children. The combinatio
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