Anthropological resources

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Reconciling the perspectives of MSF, the Ministry…

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After a mild first Covid-19 wave, Malawi experienced a short but brutal second wave between mid-December 2020 and February 2021, which put a high strain on the Malawian health system, especially in Blantyre district.
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Medication is like food - Perceived healthcare…

Doris Burtscher / MSF
Doris Burtscher / MSF
This report is the result of an anthropological assessment in South Sudan, in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). The report provides an analysis of the main healthcare needs and current access to healthcare of the population in the GPAA.
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Mental health conditions and epilepsy in Liberia

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This report presents the findings of a medical anthropological analysis conducted within the MSF mental health (MH) project in Monrovia, Liberia. The analysis focused on gaining a deeper understanding of patient and caregivers healing pathways (within and outside the MSF clinics); how traditional and religious healers fit into this and approach care; and how each understands MH conditions/epilepsy and treatments, in order to adopt a more tailored community-based and patient-centred approach which ultimately improves quality of care.
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"Better dead than being mocked" – Unwanted…

This compiled report on unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion in the DRC presents the most important findings and recommendations of three studies conducted
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"Better dead than being mocked" – Unwanted…

MSF Evaluation Share Image
This study was conducted by Doris Burtscher on behalf of the IO/Task Force for Safe Abortion Care and the MSF Vienna Evaluation Unit to understand and document perception of and attitudes towards unwanted pregnancies and induced abortion, among health care providers, the general population and local leaders in the DRC.
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"Free treatment, free death" The practices of…

This report provides an analysis of the practices of traditional healers and their influence on health-seeking behaviour related to maternal and child health
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Perceptions and poverty: Family health seeking…

In this report the findings of a research done in Tajikistan between 22nd February and 27th April 2012 are presented. The first part of the research was done
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Approche traditionelle de la santé

Analyse de la Situation sanitaire de la Wilaaya du Guidimakha, Mauritanie Exploratory Misson Report
This anthropological research is part of an overa
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Coming close through communication

Findings and recommendations for the MSF OCBA HIV/AIDS prevention program in Busia, Kenya
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Coming late or not at all

Perception of and access to primary health care. The Mende and Kissi in Sierra Leone
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