Evaluation of MSF-OCP Response to South Sudanese Refugee Influx in North Uganda in 2014

The evaluation of MSF-OCP's E-response for south-sudanese refugees in Uganda concerns mainly the 1st stages of urgent relief early 2014 (is part of global review – cf Ethiopia Eval & else - IB/5 DG, 2014). Among the 11 well known priorities to address (cf MSF/Epicentre guide, 2006), the necessary initial rapid assessment to prioritize actions was not fully completed - insufficient overall information w/ all indicators - measles vaccination was dependant on MOH, not MSF (for meningitis MSF support was efficient). MSF ensured timely access to medical care with good reactivity at reception centres (OPD, IPD), then in camps. Food basket monitor absent. Nut survey un-reliable. Water trucking (limited quantities for MSF) was done in partnership with other actors, preventing the critical WASH situation to deteriorate (unmet needs for latrines - but cholera CTC in place!). MSF (with other main actors – UNHCR, INGOs, Gvnt) should better/early coordinate and improve immediate response according to defined/measured priorities – follow up on activities necessary (incl. in this Eval). Hopefully overall & < 5 mortality kept within norms.

Document Author(s)
Vincent Brown
Publication date