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This evaluation examines the OCA’s response to the severe threat posed by Covid-19 to people everywhere, including in OCA’s offices; a threat that simultaneously jeopardised existing programming, carried the potential of a worldwide medical crisis, and disrupted core OCA habits in terms of travel, supply, transport, staffing, and security.
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Evaluation of MSF Academy for Healthcare’s Basic…

Hands holding certificate from MSF Academy
Florence Miettaux
This evaluation focuses on the basic clinical nursing care (BCNC) training initiative implemented by the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Academy in Kenema, Sierra Leone since 2020 and in Old Fangak (OFG), South Sudan since 2021. The evaluation specifically covers the first implementation of BCNC in these locations to the point of the graduation of the first cohort of nurses in May/June 2022. The specific stated purpose of the evaluation was to assess the value of the BCNC programme in Kenema and OFG. Ultimately key stakeholders wanted to know which results the BCNC has achieved, if they are worth the investment and if potential adaptations could increase the value of the BCNC. 
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Medication is like food - Perceived healthcare…

Doris Burtscher / MSF
Doris Burtscher / MSF
This report is the result of an anthropological assessment in South Sudan, in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). The report provides an analysis of the main healthcare needs and current access to healthcare of the population in the GPAA.
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“Now there is trouble with cows.....”

A medical anthropological inquiry on the perceptions of health and illness and health seeking behaviour amongst the Dinka in the Abyei Administrative Area.
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Evaluation of Different Operational Models for…

Integration of HIV/TB services is one of the priorities for the MSF movement since 2010 and in particular for OCBA that started hand over of the so-called ve
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Evaluation of MSF OCBA's Decentralised Models of…

This report examines the case study of Decentralised Models of Care (DMC) implemented in the MSF Operational Centre Barcelona (OCBA) Malakal project in South
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E-response for displaced persons in Minkaman, South…

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Following the restart of armed fights in South Sudan in December 2013, MSF-OCG responded to the influx of displaced and the consequent health-related needs i
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: E-response for displaced persons…

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Following the restart of armed fights in South Sudan in December 2013, MSF-OCG responded to the influx of displaced and the consequent health-related needs i
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A review of the planned hand-over process of OCBs…

The review aimed to capture learnings from this difficult exit process in South Sudan and provides an overview of the root causes identified. Some external f
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MSF Retrospect Lessons report - Maban Emergency …

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This document describes the Lessons identified during the emergency phase of the OCA Maban intervention. It summarises the successes and challenges encounter
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