Evaluation of Different Operational Models for Integration of HIV/TB Services in MSF OCBA Projects
Integration of HIV/TB services is one of the priorities for the MSF movement since 2010 and in particular for OCBA that started hand over of the so-called vertical programs in the same year. This process has finished for the total of 16 vertical HIV programs of MSF-OCBA started since 2005. Integration aims to provide access to HIV/TB care to all populations in need in locations where MSF has implemented regular projects, regardless of the HIV prevalence in places such as CAR (started in 2008), South Sudan (2011) and Niger (2014). Yemen HIV vertical project was also evaluated on some HIV integrated components such as linkages, patient support, and IEC strategies and because of its unique situation in a conflict affected Muslim setting. There is limited information on the different integration models in the whole MSF movement so far and little analysis and structured research was performed till present. Consequently, the present evaluation is driven mainly to learn from the implemented projects in order to inform future programs and advocacy activities.