Evaluation of MSF Academy for Healthcare’s Basic Clinical Nursing Care Training

– Kenema and Old Fangak
Hands holding certificate from MSF Academy
Florence Miettaux

This evaluation focuses on the basic clinical nursing care (BCNC) training initiative implemented by the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Academy in Kenema, Sierra Leone since 2020 and in Old Fangak (OFG), South Sudan since 2021. The evaluation specifically covers the first implementation of BCNC in these locations to the point of the graduation of the first cohort of nurses in May/June 2022. The specific stated purpose of the evaluation was to assess the value of the BCNC programme in Kenema and OFG. 

Document Author(s)
Sue Newport and Kate Denman with inputs from Kathleen Murphy and Omer Saad
Publication date