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Evaluation of MSF Academy for Healthcare’s Basic…

Hands holding certificate from MSF Academy
Florence Miettaux
This evaluation focuses on the basic clinical nursing care (BCNC) training initiative implemented by the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Academy in Kenema, Sierra Leone since 2020 and in Old Fangak (OFG), South Sudan since 2021. The evaluation specifically covers the first implementation of BCNC in these locations to the point of the graduation of the first cohort of nurses in May/June 2022. The specific stated purpose of the evaluation was to assess the value of the BCNC programme in Kenema and OFG. Ultimately key stakeholders wanted to know which results the BCNC has achieved, if they are worth the investment and if potential adaptations could increase the value of the BCNC. 
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"Free treatment, free death" The practices of…

This report provides an analysis of the practices of traditional healers and their influence on health-seeking behaviour related to maternal and child health
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Coming late or not at all

Perception of and access to primary health care. The Mende and Kissi in Sierra Leone
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Ebola Governance Review (2016)

This review was commissioned by the International Board of MSF to reflect on the lessons learned for Movement governance from the early months of the MSF res
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Evaluation of the OCG Response to the Ebola…

sierra leone
The objective of this review was to assess the response of OCG, focusing on the Freetown Prince of Wales Ebola Treatment Centre, Sierra Leone (open Dec 2014
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OCB Ebola Review: Ebola Treatment Centres (2016)

During the 2014-2015 Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa, MSF built a number of Ebola Treatment Centres (ETCs). MSF set up centres in the three count
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Review of the Hospital Support Committee: Based on…

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The Hospital Support Committee was established as part of the Hospital Support Platform introduced during the first quarter of 2012, with the
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Economic Evaluation Gondama Referral Centre

The Gondama Referral Centre (GRC) project is a reference hospital set up by Médecins Sans Frontières – Operational Centre Brussels (MSF-OCB) to provide
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Internal Reflection Report: MSF OCA Ebola…

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This is the internal reflection report for OCAs Ebola intervention in Sierra Leone. While there are numerous workshops and reflections being organized across
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Evaluation of OCB's response to Lassa Fever in Bo,…

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In February 2011, four MSF staff members acquired Lassa Fever in the MSF-run hospital, GRC (2 of whom died). This led OCB to propose an evaluation of the rel
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