Review of the Hospital Support Committee: Based on experiences from Sierra Leone and Afghanistan


The Hospital Support Committee was established as part of the Hospital Support Platform introduced during the first quarter of 2012, with the objectives of ‘Providing effective support to existing or gestating hospital structures' and ‘Enhancing accountability, monitoring and reporting for OCB hospital activities.’ This review looks at the relative opportunities and constraints of the Hospital Support Committee through the experiences from two of the hospitals identified for support during the pilot phase. These two ‘projects’ or Hospital Support Groups, Kunduz and GRC, were reviewed using a participatory workshop based methodology known as a Retrospect. The retrospect is a facilitated approach which aims to draw on the experiences and knowledge of the people involved and is oriented around capturing lessons from the group. This document contains a summary report plus the full reports from the retrospects.

Please note: this report is not available online. Please email to request access.


Document Author(s)
Boris Stringer and Tim McCann
Publication date