Briefing and Debriefing of International Staff in MSF-OCG

This review is intended to cover the BG/DG Policy and related processes, which were implemented in 2015. Specifically, as discussed in the preliminary interviews with key stakeholders, the review looked into:

  • Whether new BG/DG Policy and related practices were implemented appropriately as designed and planned;
  • Briefings and debriefings as two separate processes (i.e., a series of actions, procedures, timing, roles and responsibilities), as recommended by the 2015 BG/DG Guideline; and whether any part of these processes should be changed or modified;
  • Management of information provided during briefings and obtained during debriefings (i.e., tools, procedures and practices);
  • BG/DG organized for staff members managed by MSF Switzerland as a separate sub-category.

The review of BG&DG Policy was conducted in conjunction with the Information Consent Project Manager, who began her work in late 2016.

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