Measles epidemic in Katanga, DRC (2010-11) : Box Recommendations & Minutes/Review -Reflection day, MSF-OCP Feb 2012, Caroline Seguin, Vincent Brown (Eval Unit Paris)

MSF teams vaccinated 1,5 M children during 10 months period, and treated 51,000 cases (80% cases) in the Province of Katanga (DRC). MSF wished to review and capitalize on this unprecedented intervention where major questions concerned the magnitude of the intervention, the decision making process (based on needs, extension of the outbreak/epidemiology, age groups, geography, AR, CFR, etc). The evaluation is multidisciplinary and involves also all aspects related to adequacy of means, cost (child vaccinated, and treated), timeliness, integration with other actors (MOH, WHO, Unicef, etc), and MSF lobbying actions. BOX recommendations are presented throughout the document.
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