“Mini” Meta Review: Transversal Analysis of International Project Evaluations in MSF (2016)

The aim of this evaluation is to provide a synthesis of the main issues highlighted through organisational learning on international project management experience, identifying key lessons for future projects and processes in MSF as well as prospective restructuring. The analysis is based on a review of 9 MSF evaluations or reviews concerning transversal (across sections and departments) projects, processes or structures in MSF, covering the period 2011 (earliest report found) to 2016 (including reports finalised in Aug 2016). The report highlights 6 key lessons for a successful HQ project in MSF. NB: This evaluation was conducted as a desk review, intended as an internal learning exercise not a comprehensive study. 

Here is the related presentation:


Document Author(s)
This publication was produced at the request of MSF International Project Management Office (IPMO), under the management of the Stockholm Evaluation Unit. It was prepared independently by Timothy McCann.
Publication date