MSF Section Review


In 1997 MSF set the foundation for the development of both partner sections (former delegateoffices) and groups (functional partnerships), encouraging all sections to develop support to MSFssocial mission according to their “capacity and ability”. The section review revealed the meticulouseffort that has gone into the construction of the 19 MSF sections, to a large extent respectinginternational directives, but also fully exploring the room for interpretation left in some of the pastdecisions. Following the MSF New Entities study (2007-2008), the ExDir and IC requested a review tounderstand and clarify the contributions, potential and intentions of the 19 MSF Sections. Thereport presents the main commonalities and contradictions found during the Review in the way the19 sections view their support of MSF’s social mission.

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Document Author(s)
Gunilla Kuperus and Catrin Schulte-Hillen
Publication date