Symphony human resource programme
In 2010, the Symphony Programme commenced with the aim of providing MSF with one harmonised human resource information system (HRIS). In 2011, a request for proposal process was undertaken and a vendor ADP and information system, HR. Net, were selected to implement the common HR framework. A contract was signed in March 2012. In August 2012, ADP commenced work with MSF but by October, a risk to the programme was raised to the programme board regarding concerns with the approach being taken by ADP. This was followed up by a further escalation in the following February and after an external review, a request to terminate the contract with ADP was proceeded with in October 2013. In November 2013, the Excom of MSF commissioned a lessons learnt evaluation of the Symphony programme to provide recommendations for future international MSF projects. The evaluation took place between January and March 2014. The evaluation was requested to examine the suitability of the chosen governance structure and decision making processes with a particular focus on the request for proposal and the subsequent choice of service provider.