An Evaluation of the MSF SEEAP Project Outcomes 2020-2023
The Southeast and East Asia-Pacific Project (SEEAP) is a formal partnership between the Institutional members of MSF Hong Kong, Japan, and Australia in close collaboration with the branch office of The Republic of Korea.
The 2023 annual plan makes clear the need for an evaluative exercise…“2023 is the last year of the current agreed funding cycle, and the Project aims by the end of the year to take stock of what it has
been able to achieve, demonstrate and learn from this new way of working in order to build a clear value proposition for the next stage of MSF regional development”.
The most important outcome of this evaluation is to produce useful information for managers to decide on the ‘Go/No go criteria’ to continue with the actual SEEAP strategic aims and direction. In saying that we must strongly advise managers that, if we had been involved in the drafting of the KPIs, we would advise strongly against these go/no go indicators. Also, a reminder that the meaning is in the word: indicators indicate but they are not the answer to anything by themselves.