MSF IN AFGHANISTAN Evaluation of the single representation setup (2017)

Since MSF’s return to Afghanistan in 2009, its operations on the ground have been monitored with a spyglass, unlike any other mission in this kind of environment. Consequently, OCs have been pushed to innovate but also remain critical vis-a-vis their respective strategies and the overall modus operandi of the Afghan mission. This evaluation of the single representation set up aims to analyse and learn from the current state of affairs of the Afghan mission in view of possible ways forward. More specifically, it analyses the capacity and the possibility for the mission to do more within the framework of single representation and the current set up of support departments both at OC and Field levels

Document Author(s)
This publication was produced at the request of MSF, under the management of the Stockholm Evaluation Unit. It was prepared independently by Dan Sermand and Cedric Martin.
Publication date