Conflict and Violence

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Improving The Availability & Use of SGBV Services…

MSF/Ghislain Massotte (2018)
Improving The Availability & Use of SGBV Services in Kananga Project in Central Kasai, DRC
- Phase 2 Evaluation report (in English and French)
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Evaluation du programme d'incitation basé sur la…

 CAR : A Forgotten Health Emergency
MSF/Julien Dewarichet
MSF OCB a soutenu la mise en œuvre d'un système de primes basé sur la performance (PBI pour performance based incentive) à l'hôpital de Bangassou, à partir de 2022.L’évaluation avait trois objectifs principaux: documenter la manière dont le système d'incitation basé sur les performances a été conçu et mis en place à l'hôpital de Bangassou ; identifier si les principaux objectifs du système de primes basé sur les performances ont été atteints ; et
déterminer ce qui a fonctionné et quels sont les domaines nécessitant des améliorations.
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Final report: Evaluation of the Gaza and Mosul…

Gaza: reconstructing lives after amputations
Giles Duley
Evaluation report: Gaza and Mosul MSF reconstructive surgery projects
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"Better dead than being mocked" – Unwanted…

This compiled report on unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion in the DRC presents the most important findings and recommendations of three studies conducted
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"Better dead than being mocked" – Unwanted…

MSF Evaluation Share Image
This study was conducted by Doris Burtscher on behalf of the IO/Task Force for Safe Abortion Care and the MSF Vienna Evaluation Unit to understand and document perception of and attitudes towards unwanted pregnancies and induced abortion, among health care providers, the general population and local leaders in the DRC.
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Humanitarian challenges in a non-armed violence…

In recent years, MSF has noted that ‘social violence’ is strongly linked to health exclusion and dysfunctional health systems. Therefore, the Ope
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Humanitarian challenges in a non…

In recent years, MSF has noted that ‘social violence’ is strongly linked to health exclusion and dysfunctional health systems. Therefore, the Ope
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This evaluation was commissioned with the objective to enhance future operational performance by means of lessons learned from the intervention in Hajjah Gov
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MSF IN AFGHANISTAN Evaluation of the single…

Since MSF’s return to Afghanistan in 2009, its operations on the ground have been monitored with a spyglass, unlike any other mission in this kind of e
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Evaluation of Extended basic health care project,…

This evaluation assesses the results of the entire OCA Wardher project from 2008 – 2015, drawing lessons from this engagement, including on how to best
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